Духовен живот в Шипка


         В миналото Шипка е била огнище на духовен живот. Духовната енергия, която в тъмните и безпросветни времена на чуждото робство бавно, но неотстъпно просветлявяла душите на шипченци, ги подготвяла за бъдещето.
          През 2015 година нашето училището отпразнува юбилей – 180 години светско и 305 години килийно училище.
          За будния дух на шипчани говори факта, че в едно малко балканско село се отваря школо, в което се преподават светски науки, почти наравно с Априловската гимназия.
          Така незабелязано Шипка изиграва своята скромна роля в Просвещението на народа.


За нас

„Във вековния мрак Шипченското училище е било пламък, който е разпращал искри на север от Балкана и на юг по равна Тракия.“ Чудомир

За нас

„Във вековния мрак Шипченското училище е било пламък, който е разпращал искри на север от Балкана и на юг по равна Тракия.“ Чудомир



Нашите учители

Melania Trump


Leverage agile frameworks to provide a robust synopsis for high level overviews. Iterative approaches to corporate strategy foster.

Hosaifa Albenian

Vice Principal

Leverage agile frameworks to provide a robust synopsis for high level overviews. Iterative approaches to corporate strategy foster.

Shuprio Shaa

Assistant Director

Leverage agile frameworks to provide a robust synopsis for high level overviews. Iterative approaches to corporate strategy foster.

Lina Anthony

Assistant Director

Leverage agile frameworks to provide a robust synopsis for high level overviews. Iterative approaches to corporate strategy foster.

Monalisa Carrion


Leverage agile frameworks to provide a robust synopsis for high level overviews. Iterative approaches to corporate strategy foster.

Jhon Pedrocas


Leverage agile frameworks to provide a robust synopsis for high level overviews. Iterative approaches to corporate strategy foster.


What Students Saying

Awesome skill forced to move twice within five years, our customers had a hard time finding us and our sales plummeted. The Lorem Ipsum Co. not only revitalized our brand, but saved our nearly 100-year-old family business from the brink of ruin by optimizing our website for SEO.

Junita Mushenko

Math Teacher

Professional, responsive, and able to keep up with ever-changing demand and tight deadlines: That’s how I would describe Jeramy and his team at The Lorem Ipsum Company. When it comes to content marketing, you’ll definitely get the 5-star treatment from the Lorem Ipsum Company!

Alex Fernando

English Teacher

I was skeptical of SEO and content marketing at first, but the Lorem Ipsum Company not only proved itself speaking, but the response I have received from customers is incredible. The work is top-notch and I consistently outrank all my competitors on Google.

Mahadi Mansura

Head Teacher

After being forced to move twice within five years, our customers had a hard time finding us and our sales plummeted. The Lorem Ipsum Co. not only revitalized our brand, but saved our nearly 100-year-old family business from the brink of ruin by optimizing our website for SEO.

Losis Dcosta

Math Teacher

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